During the Easter Season, there are a lot of beautiful readings about Jesus coming to reassure His disciples. My favorite is what I like to call breakfast on the beach. The apostles didn't really know what to do next. They didn't really have instructions. Peter, the leader of the group, decided he was going fishing. It is what he knew, and it is what brought him peace of mind when life got him down. The others came along because they didn't really have anything better to do. After a long night of fishing, the apostles were exhausted, and nothing had really changed. Worn out and sad, they decided to call it a night. On shore there was a campfire and figure tending to it. The Lord had breakfast waiting for them.
There are weekends where my family stays up a little too late. Mass seems a little too early, and it is a struggle to get everyone ready and to Mass on time. Then what do I find after all of the hassle and meltdowns? The Lord has breakfast waiting for me. It is Himself. Suddenly, everything distressing melts away, and there I am on the beach with Him. I am telling Him that I love Him, and He is telling me to feed His lambs. He feeds me, so that I can feed my family His Words of everlasting life. And donuts. Donuts are very important, too.
When they came ashore, they saw a charcoal fire there, with fish on it, and bread ... "Come and have breakfast." ... When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me more than these?" He replied, "Yes, Lord, You know that I love You." Jesus said to him, "Feed My lambs." John 21: 9, 12, 15